Germany contributes 60,000 Euros for the re-development of Faleata Reserve
14th July 2014

H.E Dr. Anne-Marie Schleich and H.E Mr Leasi Papalii Scanlan at the signing
On Thursday 10th July 2014, the German Ambassador, Dr. Anne-Marie Schleich and the Samoa High Commissioner, Mr Leasi Papali'i T. Scanlan signed an agreement for a German contribution of 60,000 Euros towards the Faleata Reserve project. As a contribution towards Samoa as host of the 3rd United Nations International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS) from 1st to 4th September 2014 the funds will go towards the re-development of Faleata Reserve which is located opposite the SIDS Conference centre.The project includes the re-vegetation of 10 hectares of land with coastal and lowland native forest trees to create an area for native forest conservation and will create a recreational atmosphere for the international delegations during the SIDS Meeting. High Commissioner Scanlan thanked the Ambassador of Germany for their kind donation.