Pacific Parliament Political Leadership Forum 17-22nd April 2013

22nd April 2013
Hon Fiame Naomi Matafa led Samoa’s delegation to the Pacific Parliamentary and Political Leaders Forum held in Wellington from 17 to 22 April 2013. Other members of the delegation from Samoa inlcuded Hon. Gatoloaifaana Amataga Alesana Gidlow, Member of Parliaments, Afioga Tafua Maluelue Tafua, Tofa Lealailepule Rimoni Aiafi and Tofa Sooalo Mene. The summit was hosted by the New Zealand government and aimed to strengthen relations between New Zealand parliamentarians and their counterparts from the South Pacific. The Forum discussed a range of issues of particular importance to Samoa including: environmental issues and climate change, global economic outlook and implications for the region and the importance of parliament and sound governance to the development of business and job creation. The High Commissioner accompanied Hon Fiame Naomi Mata’afa and the delegation during the opening of the Forum. Minister Mata’afa made a moving speech to the House on the issue of gender equality. The impact of her contribution resulted in her motion being included in the recommendations where all participants agreed to increase Pacific women’s representation in Parliaments and empower them to be active in all aspects of society, including governance and business.