Samoa Golf Academy Fun Day
18th March 2014

High Commissioner Opening the Fun Day
The High Commissioner opened the Samoa Golf Academy Fun Day at the Silverstream Golf Range in Upper Hutt on Saturday, 15th March 2014 with over 70 eager youths from 18 years and under from all over Wellington area including some from as far as Palmerston North. The fun day was arranged by professional golfers of New Zealand Mr Geoff Smart, Kevin Smith and Talamau Dudley Asi and with the support of the Golf Academy Committee. The aim of the Fun Day was to bring young Samoans together that were interested in golf and would have the potential to purse this as a sporting career. The High Commissioner was pleased with the turnout and he had emphasized the importance of parental support and looking at golf as another sporting opportunity for children instead of rugby and netball. The Samoa Golf Academy was an initiative by the High Commissioner to provide financial assistance and professional support to young Samoans. The next Golf Fun Day is scheduled in April 2014.