Farewell Reception for the Samoa High Commissioner and Dean of Diplomatic Corps, Ambassador of Switzerland and Ambassador of Thailand
15th September 2022

Samoa High Commissioner and former Dean of Diplomatic Corps, H.E. Leasi Papali'i Scanlan delivering farewell remarks to the Diplomatic Corps with his spouse, Mrs. Joyce Scanlan and the new Dean of Diplomatic Corps and Ambassador of Kuwait, H.E. Mr Ahmad Salem Alwehaib
(Photo source: Embassy of Kuwait)
(Photo source: Embassy of Kuwait)
On Tuesday 13th September, the Diplomatic Corps hosted a Farewell Reception for the Samoa High Commissioner and Dean of the Diplomatic Corps, H.E. Leasi Papali’i Scanlan and spouse, Mrs. Joyce Scanlan at the Wellington Club. The High Commissioner has been the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps since 2017 and has served in his capacity as Samoa’s High Commissioner for over 10 years. During his term, the High Commissioner had the privilege and honour of knowing several Heads of Missions and their Predecessors, four NZ Governor Generals, three Prime Ministers, several Cabinet Ministers and Government Officials as well as many Friends from the Business and Private Sectors.
The Deanship has now passed to the Ambassador of Kuwait, H.E. Mr Ahmad Salem Alwehaib, who was the MC for the Reception. At the same time, the Diplomatic Corps also farewelled the Ambassador of Switzerland, H.E. Mr Michael Winzap and spouse Mrs Marina Winzap, as well as the Ambassador of Thailand, Mr Pornpop Uampidhaya. The new Dean conveyed his remarks to farewell his diplomatic colleagues and also thanked them for their hard work and commitment in the diplomatic community. Later, the new Dean invited the Chief of Protocol, Mr. Rod Harris, who conveyed his remarks in appreciation of Leasi’s role as the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps for 5 years and his involvement within the Corps in addressing a number of issues with the NZ Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
The Samoa High Commissioner in his speech, conveyed his sincere thanks to all members of the Diplomatic Corps, past and present, for their support and friendship during his time as Dean of the Diplomatic Corps. Leasi encouraged the Diplomatic Corps to continue to work together as a Family, despite different political perspectives that will arise from time to time. His Excellency also acknowledged the support and assistance of the Chief of Protocol and his staff with issues affecting the Diplomatic Corps. He noted that one of the great things about being a Diplomat is being posted to different countries, seeing new sites, meeting new people and making many new friends. On the downside, is when one’s term is up and having to depart and leave all these good friends behind.
In concluding, Leasi thanked his wife (Joyce) for her strong support for him and her leadership within the Diplomatic Spouse’s Association over the years. He also thanked his Staff (Robert, Tau & Pauline) for their hard work and commitment as Secretariat and Treasurer for the Diplomatic Corps. Leasi then urged the Diplomatic Corps to continue their kind support towards the new Dean, Ambassador Alwehaib. And, should they decide to visit Samoa, Leasi & Joyce look forward to hosting them at home.
The Reception concluded with a song for the Dip Corps sung by Mrs Joyce Scanlan, accompanied by Leasi on the guitar. The lyrics of the song were written by Joyce to suit the occasion. It was both a sad and emotional occasion with a few tears being shed.
The Samoa High Commissioner, H.E. Leasi Papali’i Scanlan and Mrs. Joyce Scanlan’s term ends on 30th September, 2022.
The Deanship has now passed to the Ambassador of Kuwait, H.E. Mr Ahmad Salem Alwehaib, who was the MC for the Reception. At the same time, the Diplomatic Corps also farewelled the Ambassador of Switzerland, H.E. Mr Michael Winzap and spouse Mrs Marina Winzap, as well as the Ambassador of Thailand, Mr Pornpop Uampidhaya. The new Dean conveyed his remarks to farewell his diplomatic colleagues and also thanked them for their hard work and commitment in the diplomatic community. Later, the new Dean invited the Chief of Protocol, Mr. Rod Harris, who conveyed his remarks in appreciation of Leasi’s role as the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps for 5 years and his involvement within the Corps in addressing a number of issues with the NZ Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
The Samoa High Commissioner in his speech, conveyed his sincere thanks to all members of the Diplomatic Corps, past and present, for their support and friendship during his time as Dean of the Diplomatic Corps. Leasi encouraged the Diplomatic Corps to continue to work together as a Family, despite different political perspectives that will arise from time to time. His Excellency also acknowledged the support and assistance of the Chief of Protocol and his staff with issues affecting the Diplomatic Corps. He noted that one of the great things about being a Diplomat is being posted to different countries, seeing new sites, meeting new people and making many new friends. On the downside, is when one’s term is up and having to depart and leave all these good friends behind.
In concluding, Leasi thanked his wife (Joyce) for her strong support for him and her leadership within the Diplomatic Spouse’s Association over the years. He also thanked his Staff (Robert, Tau & Pauline) for their hard work and commitment as Secretariat and Treasurer for the Diplomatic Corps. Leasi then urged the Diplomatic Corps to continue their kind support towards the new Dean, Ambassador Alwehaib. And, should they decide to visit Samoa, Leasi & Joyce look forward to hosting them at home.
The Reception concluded with a song for the Dip Corps sung by Mrs Joyce Scanlan, accompanied by Leasi on the guitar. The lyrics of the song were written by Joyce to suit the occasion. It was both a sad and emotional occasion with a few tears being shed.
The Samoa High Commissioner, H.E. Leasi Papali’i Scanlan and Mrs. Joyce Scanlan’s term ends on 30th September, 2022.