Te Papa’s New Head of New Zealand and Pacific Histories and Cultures
23rd June 2020

HE Leasi Papali’i T Scanlan, High Commissioner and Dean of Diplomatic Corps (far left), Togialelei Dr. Safua Akeli Amaama, Te Papa's Head of New Zealand and Pacific Histories and Cultures (third from left), and members of Dr Safua's family. Photo supplied by The Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
A Pōwhiri took place at Te Papa’s Marae – Rongomaraeroa yesterday morning to welcome new Museum staff including Togialelei Dr. Safua Akeli Amaama in the role of Head of New Zealand and Pacific Histories and Cultures. Samoa’s High Commissioner and Dean of the Diplomatic Corps, H.E Leasi Papali’i T Scanlan, was present at this event together with several members of Dr Safua’s Family as well as a number of other members of the Diplomatic Corps from the Pacific.